Yoga and Meditation - Yoga Asanas - Preventive and Curative Yoga

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Yoga is one of the most helpful and healthy forms of experience to manage the waves of thought by converting mental & physical energy into spiritual energy.  Yoga eases tension, rejuvenates the body & soul, adds to concentration, cures diseases and keeps a hold on the aging process.

Most people, especially from Western nations, think of yoga as merely an Eastern exercise program. Nothing could be further from the truth. The underlying purpose behind the practice of yoga is to reunite the individual self (Jiva) with the absolute or pure consciousness (Brahma). The literal meaning of yoga is `joining'.

Yoga is considered as a divine science of life. The system is said to be revealed to enlightened sages in meditation. The archeological evidence of seals from the Indus Valley, which is dating back to around 3000 B.C, supports its existence in the Vedas. The Upanishads provide a clear view for yoga teachings. The Bhagavad Gita contains yoga terms and concepts to enable the reader to face his life similar to one who did his duties successfully in life during The Mahabharata (the massive epic written by sage Vyasa) war to face such a tough situation.

Benefits: Yoga asana offers Preventive Value and Curative Value
  • It helps to bring natural order and balance to the neuro-hormones and metabolism in the body. 
  • At the same time, these exercises improve endocrine metabolism, thus providing you with a preventive shield.
  • Yogic postures activate the energies that have accumulated and stagnated in the energy pockets of the body - since left inert, these energies create various ailments.
  • Yogic exercises cleanse your body, mind and consciousness by venting toxins from the body.
Click here to see different Types of Yoga Asanas


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