Health Tips - 7 Secrets That Keep You Slim

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7 Secrets That Keep You Slim: Studies show that the habits below prevent pound creepage. Although they may be hard at first, they’ll become like second nature over time.
  1. Have breakfast every morning
  2. Limit fast-food fare- burgers, fries, pizza, etc. – to no more than once a week.
  3. Weigh yourself every day so you know when you are staring to gain flab
  4. Avoid snacking in front of the TV. It makes you prone to bingeing.
  5. Consume three servings of milk or yogurt or pop a calcium supplement daily. A lack of calcium may lead to overeating.
  6. Skip sugary beverages in favour of water, black coffee, and tea.
  7. Choose quality over quantity. Eat real food (rather than fat-free, lite, or diet items) in reasonable amounts.


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